Grades 5-8
Athletics at SJL
Physical education in any form gives every student the opportunity to learn cooperation, develop motor skills, and master a variety of complex physical activities as they relate to fitness, conditioning, and team sports.
Students are encouraged to be active and involved beyond the classroom to develop their God-given talents and abilities. These activities provide Christ-centered experiences that help students grow spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Principles of sportsmanship, teamwork, and striving to do one’s best to the glory of God are reinforced through these types of programs.
Interscholastic athletic teams are available to students in grades 5-8.

Our athletes are expected to:
- Exemplify Christian sportsmanship through fair play.
- Use their God-given talents to the best of their ability.
- Realize their dependence on, and display cooperation with, their teammates.
- Understand that they are creating the foundations for a lifelong enjoyment of sports.
- Consider the success of the team above their individual accomplishments.
- Recognize that their actions as team members also help to establish a more personal relationship with their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Athletic Director, the Coaches, and the Administration of St. John Lutheran School are united in their efforts to help all students achieve these goals. Their efforts, with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, will assure a setting in which the student-athletes’ talents will be recognized, developed, and utilized in a Christian manner which will serve to enrich the lives of both spectators and participants.
St. John is a member of the Lutheran Lakeshore Conference.
Bethlehem Lutheran School
First Immanuel Lutheran School
Grace Lutheran School
Menomonee Falls
St. John Lutheran School
St. John Lutheran School
Sherman Center
St. John Lutheran School
West Bend
St. Paul Lutheran School
St. Paul Lutheran School
Trinity Lutheran School
Trinity Lutheran School
Additional Information
Boys: Cross Country, Basketball, Volleyball (Boys A)
Girls: Cross Country, Volleyball, Basketball, Cheerleading
These interscholastic sports are designed to provide upper-grade students a competitive program by playing on teams that play other school teams. Athletes are selected by competitive tryouts but cuts are avoided whenever possible.
There is a $65.00 fee per athlete per reffed sport and a $50 fee per athlete per non-reffed sport. The Athletic Director supervises this program. There are no refunds for ineligibility.
Coaches are volunteers from the school and church. They offer their services to help the children of St. John. Coaches are expected to be positive role models in behavior and action on and off the playing surface. Coaches deserve respect and support from parents and students alike.